The deliverable related to the exploratory phase of the project is the inception report. The inception report is the result of the exploratory missions and provides a rapid situational assessment of the pre-selected countries. The report includes recommendations, priorities and information on the needs of national/local partners involved in the project in terms of coordination, logistics, and any other support they may require in the implementation of activities identified needs and suggested activities.
Four EU Member States, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia have engaged in the exploratory missions, which assessed the possibility of project implementation.
Four EU Member States, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia have committed in regards to the project implementation. To support PHR implementation, health mediators/interpreters have been recruited by national authorities and trained by IOM in collaboration with partner organizations. During the trainings, attention has been given to vulnerable groups and children. One of the main tasks of the health mediators, aside from interpretation services, will be to explain to patients, in languages they can understand, the process and benefits of undergoing a health assessment.
For this purpose, trainings have been undertaken in the chosen countries of implementation. The trainings on the platform were undertaken through web and video facilities, whilst the Health Mediation training were performed in person by IOM and its valuable partners.
Three deliverables are directly related to the Implementation of the PHR:
The PHR Feasibility report: aims at assessing the acceptability, feasibility, impact and transferability of the introduction of a personal health record. The evaluation tool use qualitative and quantitative methods
- Quantitative evaluation to measure the pilot’s outcome e.g. percentage of participants that refused to participate, in how many cases the use of a mediator/interpreter was necessary etc.
- Qualitative evaluation (open questions questionnaire either as a self-assessment tool or as a tool for interview of stakeholders) e.g. views and attitudes of participants to the pilot (HPs and patients), opinions on how it could be improved, the cooperation with the mediators/interpreters etc.
Health promotion materials and campaign specific for each location site is developed to meet the needs of refugees and migrants in term of health prevention and disease control and to support the work of the health mediators. Implemented also in collaboration with UNFPA for what concerns Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Reproductive Health (RH). Electronic PHR: elaboration and adaptation of an electronically generated PHR.
- Recruitment of health mediators/interpreters to support the piloting of PHR as well as trainings to support them in the overall implementation of the tool.
Any necessary changes of the e-PHR have been done in collaboration with CHAFEA/DG SANTE.